Thursday, October 20, 2016

5 Strange Healthy Tips

There are many ways to lose weight but this time i'm going to show you 5 strange healthy tips . 

1- Brush your teeth after eating anything acidic 

Foods containing citric acid, like oranges, grapefruits and lemons, weaken tooth enamel So you should wait for 30 minutes to keep your teeth healthy

2- When you're bloated,try to drink water 

Water mixes with water soluble fiber and makes it into a gel like substance. This affects the motility of the gut and reduces the symptom of bloating.

3- Drink a hot beverage to cool off

When you drink a hot beverage your body increase your sweat production .
Then, as the sweat evaporates from your skin, you cool off naturally

4- Skip energy drinks 

Energy drinks are so dangerous for you. a 2016 study showed that 18-40 who drank energy drinks had a significant increase in their QTc interval, which is a marker of abnormal heart rhythm risk.